The Secret to Finding New Financial Services Clients

This is the secret to finding financial services clients.

The mystery behind finding new financial services clients has been solved. If you value successful lead generation, then you’ll need to understand the best methods for targeting prospects. Here’s an overview of how you can craft and deliver winning promotional campaigns to financial services clients:

Target People Interested in Your Products and Services

Traditionally, there are a lot of guesswork and indirect data connections used to identify prospects to target for marketing campaigns. If only target marketing could be so easy that you have ample evidence to justify the investment in communicating with specific individuals.

By analyzing your target audience, you’re able to find people most likely to purchase your products or services. This means you’re targeting people with existing needs or curiosity in what you’re selling. Not only does this save you time and money, but it improves your chances of selling your goods.

Create Personalized and Professional Campaigns

Next, create campaigns that speak to the needs of individual market segments. The more precisely you define your customer segments, the more on-point your messaging opportunities. In financial services, you have some people with sizable savings who want to maximize long-term growth or return on investment. Others have more limited funds,  but want to leverage what they have for investment income or long-term growth.

Identify your targeted message strategies and put money and resources into professional campaign design. Professional design includes direct mail pieces on quality materials with expertly designed visuals and copy. For email, use customized designs or high-quality templates for your campaigns.

Deliver and Reinforce Your Message

Multi-channel campaigns that include well-developed message sequencing are critical to your prospecting success. It is difficult to persuade new prospects to act on your message the first time they see it. It often takes time for people to process what they see, read or hear. Thus, a coordinated and properly-sequenced campaign is essential.

Multiple channels allow you to reinforce messages that affect people in different, but synergistic ways. A dedicated landing page for prospects to visit, gain more information and submit inquiries is beneficial to your email and direct mail campaigns. You want to create a guided pathway that helps prospects learn and gain more interest as they get closer to making a purchase decision.

Include an effective call to action in your campaigns that ensure your prospects stay engaged with your company as they progress through the decision process.


These are some of the most important tips to follow as you seek new clients for your financial services business.

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